Women's Day

Hello & welcome to another story of a Cup of Coffee for your Soul

To all the women out there.

My grandma's advice was pure wisdom:
live life fully and celebrate every moment.

She gave birth to 10 (!) children, married twice, something which wasn't very often back then.

She once cried because she was unable to go to one elections due to illness.

Voting was incredibly important to her, as it wasn't something women could take for granted back then.

She passed away in 2019, one day before her 98th birthday, maintaining great health throughout her life.

Despite the challenges she faced and her demanding work schedule she had since she was a kid, she remained one of the happiest and most positive individuals I've ever known.

She tirelessly contributed to our community, and even participated in every festival and event she could.

She dancend until 5 in the morning, and never got tired.

She enjoyed red wine, and said that this keeps her healthy.🍷

Even until the age of 93, she continued hiking as often she could and was a beloved figure in her village.

To me she was a hero and I think about her a lot.

Even though she was a very tough grandmother, she taught me a lot.

Happy Women's Day to all women out there.

Have a nice day,


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