The transformative power of a bike trip: Lessons from the saddle

The transformative power of a bike trip:
Lessons from the saddle

Bikepacking, or self-supported long-distance bike touring, can be an incredibly transformative experience. As you navigate through new territories, you learn about yourself, your surroundings, and your limits.

My bike

In this post, I will share my own bikepacking experience and the lessons I learned along the way.

The idea of cycling the world had always fascinated me, but I lacked the courage to take on such a daunting task. That's when I decided to start small and take a round-trip from my hometown Graz in Austria to Slovenia.

I planned to stay in bed and breakfasts along the way, as I did not have any camping gear. I bought some rain gear though and packed everything on my bike.

On the very first day, I cycled a total of 100 km, a huge accomplishment for me, as I had never cycled more than 35 or 40 km in a day.

As I cycled, I was flooded with impressions of nature, people, and animals.

I felt incredibly alive.

However, there were also tough moments when my back hurt, my head felt stiff, and my energy was low.

I questioned my decision to go on the trip and wanted to give up.

I realized that my mind was playing tricks on me. My mind kept telling me to go back home because it felt like a more relaxing and safer option.

My brain wanted me to be safe, and I was afraid to cross the border into Slovenia.

I was nervous about the area and the traffic, which made me want to turn back and go home.

However, I pushed through and passed the border, realizing that everything I ever wanted was sitting on the other side of fear.

When I arrived at my destination in the evening, I always felt like I could have done more. I felt like I still had a lot more energy left, despite feeling exhausted during the ride.

While driving back home, it was raining. Let me tell you this was an amazing experience as well. I really enjoyed, cycling in the rain.

The next morning, I was always refreshed and excited for another day on the bike.

What I learned from this experience is that sometimes you don't want to continue, and you want to give up and go home.

But it's essential to push through those moments and not give up immediately.

On the other side of fear, there could be some amazing things and opportunities waiting for you.

This lesson can be applied not only to bikepacking but also to other life situations.

In conclusion, my bikepacking experience was transformative and helped me to learn about myself, my surroundings, and my limits.

It taught me the importance of pushing through tough moments and not giving up immediately.

I am already excited for my next bike trip and hope to go on it soon.

I encourage everyone to try bikepacking, even if it's just a small trip, as it can be a life-changing experience.
