Do things that make you uncomfortable.

Life is a series of choices.

Hello & welcome to another story of a Cup of Coffee for your Soul

Life is a series of choices:

Love or hate, be a hero or a coward.

Be brave, fight, and live.

Your choice defines you.

Live or die – it's in your hands.

I always liked contradictions in a lot parts of my life.

When things don't seem to match but work together.

Like enjoying hip hop / rap and classical music.

Going hard at music festivals with friends but also living the healthy mindfulness life.

Dancing the whole night but going to bed early on other nights.

Liftings weights and doing Yoga.

Or even finding joy in big cities like New York but also quiet places in the woods and mountains.

It's these mixtures of opposites that I love.

There's this feeling I enjoy, when things are completely opposite.

And thinking about how short life is can make you feel heavy.

The more intense your life is and the more time passes, the heavier it gets.

This heaviness makes you want to do something.

If you don't, it feels like death is right there, laughing at you, reminding you of what you haven't done yet, what you haven't experienced.

Do things that make you uncomfortable.

I can’t say this enough!!
I can’t say this too much!!

Take a cold shower.

Book that flight.

Go out and talk to a stranger.

Run until you can’t breathe.

Go to a new city alone without planning.

Do something unexpected.

Drive without a clear destination.

Whatever you do, do something that breaks your routine.

When you step out of your usual day, you realize you can change it.

You can shape your own life, your own future.

Do something out of your comfort zone today and let me know how it was.

Have a nice day,


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