Lost and Found: The Journey of a Jacket & Humanity

Hello & welcome to another story of a Cup of Coffee for your Soul

On Tuesday morning, when I got ready for work, I couldn't find my jacket. It was a black rain jacket, which I bought last year.

It was a very expensive one, and I don't own a lot of them, but I bought it mainly for cycling. I also like to wear it very often.

When I couldn't find it, I thought, "Oh, okay, I might have forgotten it in the office yesterday," and I didn't really worry anymore (maybe a bit, you got me).

When I arrived at work, the jacket wasn't there.

I searched everywhere, in the canteen, every wardrobe, and asked a lot of colleagues. I got nervous.

This jacket was one of my favorites and, of course, it wasn't a cheap one.

Then it hit me, I might have forgotten it on the bus the day before.

I contacted the bus line, but unfortunately, they did not find any jackets.

I was sad and very mad at myself... this wasn't like me, losing things, on the other hand, I am into so many thoughts every day.

But then I thought if someone had stolen it, they might need it more than me.

Back home, I searched everywhere, maybe it was somewhere at home in the closet or in a backpack, but nothing.

It was gone.

I was already thinking about buying the same one again because I liked it so much, but I got the advice I should wait.

The story will not be over.

Three days later, in the morning, I got a call from the bus company; they found it, somewhere on the floor in a bus.

The lady there was so nice; she made sure that the jacket gets found.

I picked up the jacket today, bought some chocolate for the nice lady in the customer service, and the two bus drivers who searched for it.

This is not a story about a jacket; it is a story about humankind.

Happy to have my jacket back, but happier that life can surprise you in so many ways.

Have a nice day,


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