Are you living your life, or the one society wants you to live?

Hello & welcome to another story of a Cup of Coffee for your Soul

Are you living your life, or the one society wants you to live?

As a kid, I questioned everything.

Some of my questions were:

  • Why do I have to go to school?

  • Why is school such a horrible place?

  • Why do people work all day long?

  • Why is the sky blue?

  • Why are we living in such a boring village?

  • Why does society work like that?

I guess I was not easy to handle, and I was never tired of asking questions.

Over the years, I also fell into the trap of society.

I worked a job that made me sick, depressed, and exhausted.

I lived in an area where I didn't want to live, and I always tried to silence my inner voice.

Yet, despite doing what society expected of me, it didn't feel right.

I felt miserable and unhappy, even in my 20s, which is supposed to be the best time of your life.

After a breakdown that forced me to change direction, Covid hit.

During this time, I had the opportunity to rethink the past years and ask myself many more questions.

Why am I living the life society expects of me, not the life I want to live?

I came to realize that many people don't actually base their lives on what they want, but on what society wants from them.

Before we know it, we lose control of our lives and start envying how other people live.

We can only see the greener grass—ours is never good enough.

Most people follow the path that their parents, the government, or the school system lays out for them.

They work in jobs they don't like, stay in unfulfilling relationships, or simply take the path of least resistance.

Humans are not all the same, and life doesn't have a one-size-fits-all path.

Each of us is unique, with different dreams, and ideas.

It's time to let go of others expectations and societal norms.

Embrace who you want to be and set your own definitions of happiness and success.

This is living free and taking control of your own destiny.

Rediscover the curiosity you had as a child about yourself and the world around you.

To regain that passion for the life you want, you must take ownership of your choices.

Otherwise, one day you will wake up and wonder, "Where did the time go, and what have I done?"

Have a nice day,


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