Lessons from the Forgotten: A Cemetery Walk

Lessons from the Forgotten: A Cemetery Walk

Last Sunday was a rainy and cloudy day, and I felt the need for a second walk in the afternoon.

This time, I somehow had the idea to take a walk inside the cemetery.

I was just in the mood to walk there, even though I had only been there once in the last couple of years. So, I thought a quiet stroll there would be nice.

During the walk, I read the names on the gravestones, the years, and sometimes even the careers they pursued.

Sometimes, it wasn't even clear in which month the people had died. In some cases, the numbers or letters were no longer legible. Some graves even had notices indicating that the lease had expired and they would soon be removed.

It really got me thinking. All those people had been here already, on this journey on Earth. But now, they are gone. They have passed away. Some of them are not even remembered anymore. Some gravestones have already been removed, and some are truly forgotten.

Some of them might have changed the world with their ideas or worldviews, some might have been good parents, good doctors, or something similar. But it now they are not here anymore.

It really reminded me again that we don't have forever here. We have to make the most out of our time.

Whatever it is you've always wanted to do, do it now. One day, there might not be time anymore.

It reminded me of a quote:

"The cemetery is the richest place on earth, for it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or was determined to carry out their dream."

So, don't take your ideas to the graveyard.

Take that trip.

Write that book.

Quit that job.

Live it now.

Have a nice day,


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