How My Health Journey Unfolds during a Year in the USA

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How My Health Journey Unfolds during a Year in the USA

As a kid, I had a big dream of going to the USA and living there for a while. I would spend my entire day dreaming about it, imagining myself going to school, graduating, and eventually making my way to the USA.

I was so passionate about this dream that people often called me a dreamer and unrealistic.

Even my own relatives tried to convince me that it wasn't a good idea and that I should let go of that dream.

Little did they know, I was dead serious about it. No one could convince me that it wasn't something I should pursue.

At the age of 16, I had the opportunity to visit the USA for the first time. It was a one-week trip to New York, and it was absolutely amazing.

I knew that I had to keep moving forward in order to make my dream of living there come true.

Just a few weeks after turning 18, I traveled to Chicago for one month. I lived with a host family and attended a language school. It was one of the best four weeks of my life. I even made friends whom I still talk to today. I fell in love with Chicago, and I knew I had to continue my journey to make my dream of living there come true.

So, after my graduation, people asked me what I was going to do next. I confidently replied that I was going to the USA to work as an Au Pair for one year.

This was the first time they truly took me seriously. I was old enough, and it no longer sounded like the dream of a little kid.

Finally, I had a plan to turn my dream into reality.

Working as an Au Pair was the easiest way to do it. It allowed me to stay in the USA, work for a host family, and earn a modest income (very modest, haha).

But it also provided the opportunity to travel, meet new people, and live there for a year. I was ready to go.

While living my dream in the US, I had a lot of free time to educate myself.

This is when I started delving deeper into the health, nutrition, and wellness sector.

I would read and learn about it every day, and over time, I realized that I knew very little about health or the human body. However, this topic became so ingrained in me that it turned into a passion.

I became aware that my own lifestyle wasn't ideal or healthy, and I knew that it would eventually have an impact on my well-being.

I was certain that I needed to make a change.

My thirst for knowledge grew, and I became obsessed with learning about all these topics.

This was almost 11 years ago, and since then, I have learned so much that it has truly helped me grow.

Even today, I am still committed to learning every day and figuring things out.

I find joy in understanding how our human body and mind work and discovering ways to live a healthier and happier life.

My goal is to also help others achieve this as well. It doesn't have to be complicated, but I know firsthand that it's not always easy.

During my time in the USA (been there now 6 times), I also noticed that the food was very different from what I was used to in Europe.

There was a greater abundance of artificial or processed food, and the sugar consumption was much higher.

This year truly changed my life and my way of thinking.

Not only did I meet amazing people, have incredible experiences, and explored new places, but I also gained clarity on the things I really wanted to learn about

Have a nice day,


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