From Burnout to Breakthrough: A Personal Story of Prioritizing Health and Finding Resilience

a Cup of Coffee for your Soul into to your Mailbox

Coffee for your Soul

I wanted to talk about something that's been on my mind lately again.

Three years ago, I hit rock bottom and had to burn myself out to truly understand the importance of my health. Let me tell you my story.

I was working in a corporate job in Inside Sales, but over time, it became less and less enjoyable for me.

I felt exhausted every day, couldn't sleep, and had no joy in life.

My weekends were spent on the couch trying to recharge.

I was only functioning like a robot, and I couldn't find pleasure in anything anymore.

I was 26, and I should have been having the time of my life, but instead, I felt miserable. I thought this was what adult life was supposed to be, and I had no idea what was wrong with me.

I went from one doctor to another, no one could help me.

I had no energy for hobbies and work kept piling up without any recognition.

One day, I woke up with an itchy sensation on my back.

At first, I thought I had some kind of rash, so I went to the doctor.

Turns out, I had shingles!! - Something people usually get at 70+, not at 26!

I cried all day, realizing that if I didn't change something, I would end up totally burned out and sick.

And then, one Friday a few weeks later, after an not even busy day at work, I had a terrible meltdown.

My energy levels were at their lowest, and I felt like I couldn't function.

I was neglecting my self-care and had been taking on too much responsibility without asking for help.

I started screaming and crying, feeling like I had lost control.

But this was my wake-up call. I quit my job on the following Monday, and since then, I've regained my old energy, happiness, and love for life.

It's amazing what a change in perspective can do for you.

Looking back, I can't believe I didn't realize sooner that my job was the problem.

But I'm grateful for the experience, as it led me to a much happier and healthier life.

Since then, I have embarked on a journey of self-improvement, cultivating a healthier lifestyle, and savoring every single day.

If you're going through something similar, take the time to reflect, seek out support, and don't be afraid to make a change.

You won't believe how much better life can be.

Since then, I haven't been sick, got my old energy back, and enjoy a lot of hobbies.

In conclusion, experiencing a terrible meltdown at home can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience.

However, by taking time to reflect on what led to the meltdown and seeking out support and help, it's possible to move forward and develop healthier coping strategies.

With time and practice, it's possible to regain a sense of control and find peace and healing after a difficult experience like this.

Let me know if you have similar experiences and how they turned out for you.

Take care of yourself.
