Breaking Boomer Traditions:

Embracing Life Before Retirement

Life is short, so don't put off your dreams.

The idea of retirement as the golden years is a bit of a fairytale.

What worked for boomers, does not work anymore for us.

You work hard for decades, looking forward to the day when you can finally relax and enjoy life.

I mean that sounds like a big scam to me!!

Waiting until I'm 65 to enjoy life? To do what I want to do?

As well there is no guarantee you'll even get to enjoy those retirement years. In our society, we don't like to talk about death.

We pretend it's not going to happen, and we try to ignore it. But the truth is, none of us know how much time we have.

We get so caught up in everyday life, scrolling through our phones, acting like we have all the time in the world.

Then one day, reality hits us hard. My dad is a perfect example.

He's spent over 45 years working at the same job, looking forward to retirement. I have to say though, he really love his job all the years.

But what if he doesn't even get to enjoy his retirement?

That's the thing about life – it's unpredictable.

So, don't wait to start living the life you want.

Don't wait for retirement to chase your dreams.

Make the most of every moment, because you never know when your time will run out.

Have a nice day,


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