The Art of Self-Prioritization for a Peaceful Life

Choose YOU. Over and over again.

The Art of Self-Prioritization for a Peaceful Life

We do live in a world that constantly demands our attention and energy, the advice to "Be selfish" might sound crazy to you.

However, this statement isn't about disregarding others, but about understanding the importance of prioritizing oneself.

Unfortunately, we learn it the other way around, as soon as we start our journey in school. Parents, teachers, friends or colleagues tell us to be not selfish. That being selfish is the wrong way to go.

It's a call to recognize our own worth, to protect our peace, and to make choices that are in our best interest.

The Essence of Selfishness in Self-Discovery:

In our journey through life, understanding our value is so important, and often, it is totally forgotten.

However, by being a bit selfish, we give ourselves the chance to explore what truly makes us happy, rather than constantly please others.

"Choose YOU. Over and over again." This is perhaps the most powerful piece of advice.

It's an commitment to oneself.

It's a reminder that while we can be kind and caring towards others, our own needs shouldn't be neglected.

Making choices that align with our personal growth, happiness, and peace should be a consistent practice.

In the journey of life, where we often play many roles, the most important role we must not neglect is being true to ourselves.

Choose YOU – it's not just a statement, it's a lifestyle.

When was the last time, you choose yourself? Let me know, by answering directly to this E-Mail.

Have a nice day,


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